

and I'm heading to Roanoke in the morning. Have a good weekend!


Summer is finally here...

but that doesn't really change anything for me, since pretty much I've just been sitting in my living room with the curtains drawn, messing with various "art" projects.


The Search Continues...

So mostly I'm just waiting for jobs to be posted.
None today (yet), so here's a news story:

Iowa's governor privately requested that candidates Obama and McCain cancel campain visits to Iowa, fearing that the visits would use needed resources. Obama cancelled, McCain didn't.
"As a courtesy — and as we did for Senator Obama — we privately made an effort to make sure that Senator McCain knew that state and local resources were still being deployed to support the flood fight and that now may not be the best time for a campaign trip," Dillon (the governor's chief of staff) said in a statement.
But wait, there's more: McCain opposed a bill last year that would have allocated funds to help flood control in Des Moines.
(from the Daily Kos)


Wednesday... I think

The lack of commentary on my blog reflects my activity of the last few weeks... not much is going on here. Mostly, I'm applying for jobs and continuing with research on Nietzsche.
One thing I'm not involved with is the destruction of the "Earlham School of Religion" sign on the corner of 40 and College Avenue. I had nothing to do with that; I don't even have the equipment if I wanted to.


It's Father's Day...

Do you know where your children are?