
Here's to Peace and Justice!

Today's Dennis the Menace has Dennis and his little friend walking away from a buffet; Dennis says, "Buffet must be French for 'Get up an' Get it Yourself!'" Ha ha ha, don't you just love Dennis?

Well, maybe not. I don't know about the etymology of the word "buffet," but it has occurred to me that it's better than asking a waitress (or waiter), "Please just bring me plates filled with random food, until I'm ready to puke." That would be embarrassing; thus, we have the buffet (or better yet, the "All-you-care-to-eat buffet").

Julie has posted a bit about her experience with a clearness committee; I won't go into the level of detail she does, but I have also gone through one recently. It was the third I've been the focus of, although the experiences have been very different from one another. It was very good and affirming, and possibly has reopened some doors that I had already closed.
Not that working at a soup kitchen was one of them, but I though Lonnie might appreciate this cartoon.

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