

It's the last Friday (or as we Quakers call it, "Frigga's Day," after the Norse goddess most closely related to Venus [Friday: OE. frgedæg, corr. to MLG., MDu. vrdach (Du. vrijdag), OHG. fratag (G. freitag); i.e. DAY of Frg = ON. Frigg name of the wife of Odin, prop. sb. use of fem. of Gmc. *frjaz noble, FREE; WGmc. tr. of late L. Veneris dies day of Venus, from The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology]).
Hopefully not the very last Friday, but the last Friday of this semseter. I've gotten almost all of my work done, and I'm not terribly motivated to get going on the last little bit (although I suppose I should at least check my deadlines).
So I guess I'll sit and enjoy a cup of tea this afternoon. Remember: don't let it brew too long!

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