
Rained Out

I won't be painting today, at least not outside at Towers Mall. (Both of these are old articles, and the traffic problems have been addressed.)
Given that I dropped my phone into a bucket of paint yesterday, that might be a good thing. I doubt the manufacturer would approve of me digging paint out of the keypad with my 5-in-1.


BrianY said...

Wait, the manufacturer of the phone, or the maker of the 5-in-1? 'Cause the latter is kind of like duct tape--there are few things it's really inappropriate for...

Mr. Miro said...

If you met some of the guys I'm working with (Dante, for instance), you'd have a clear picture of things a 5-in-1 is inappropriate for. Stabbing people, for starters.
But yes, I meant the phone, delicate instrument that it is.