
Triangle Man

"Triangle Man, Triangle Man

Triangle man hates Particle Man

They have a fight,

Triangle wins

Triangle Man"

-lyrics from the song, "Particle Man" by They Might be Giants.

But it's not Mr. Miro--I doubt he would win a fight with Particle Man.


Anonymous said...

Should anyone be insufficiently tragically hip to understand this post, perhaps the below address will help.


Julie said...

If I set my watch to whatever time my truck thinks it is, would Mr. Miro think they were right?

Mr. Miro said...

Michael: thank you. I almost included a link to this video, and after I posted it wish that I had. I've only recently heard about this song, after a friend (who likes the song quite a bit, and played it in the dorm we both lived in) asked if Mr. Miro was inspired by the song (and the answer to that is no; the song came out several years after Mr. Miro's debut).
Julie: of course not.

Anonymous said...

Dur, Julie.