
Straw men

There are times when one might wish to paraphrase someone else's argument, and perhaps state the underlying sentiment a bit more strongly than the author originally had. There are two potential pitfalls with this:
first, you may misrepresent the views of the author.
Second, other people may take you to be stating your own views, rather than restating the author's views.
All of this is to say, I worry that someone around here thinks I called him an idiot, which wasn't my intention at all.
The humorous upshot of this, however, was that he basically said that he didn't think I was a Christian. Hm, maybe not.


Mr. Miro said...

What, a duck? No way, man.

Matthew Hisrich said...

Hey, what's wrong with ducks?

Julie said...

Just noticed that Joe Mathlete's Blogger pic is a duck. That might explain a lot of what's wrong with ducks.