

As my loyal readers know, I'm in the process of looking for a job (and not, I will add for anyone who is worried about it, putting this blog on my resume). Unfortunately, as you may or may not know, the economy has tanked in the past few weeks. I saw an ad to be a carney in the Pacific Northwest next spring, but I'm still hoping to find work closer to the kids. And, for that matter, indoors.

The last cartoon refers, obliquely, to a Justin Timberlake song which, for the record, I've never listened to all the way through.

And, bonus points to the person who translates the seal behind Judge Mai. (Really: I've forgotten what it was. I'm sure it's absolutely hilarious!)


Anonymous said...

I think it says, "The highest law is often the highest malice." Or--and I'm not kidding--"The most distinguished broth is often the highest malice." I'm not sure which translation is correct (if either). But if either is, then how many more bonus points do I need before I can send away for my free Mr. Miro t-shirt?

Mr. Miro said...

Many, many more points, but you're on your way; I suspect that the number of points has something to do with my employment status. But you seem like someone who could use a "bad idea machine" shirt!

BrianY said...

Thanks for explaining "taking sexy back". I never knew what that meant in SuperPoke. Well, I still don't know what it means (not gonna watch the video), but at least I know its referent.

And FWIW, I like the "distinguished broth" translation.