
Oil consumption

If we really want to end the U.S.'s dependence on foreign oil, we need to ratchet up the level of xenophobia and hostility.

Now, that's not my usual approach: I'm a pacifist and tolerant to a fault. However, how do we get the people with oversized pickups and SUVs, hauling around their motorboats and ATVs--the "Git-R-Done!" people--to realize the importance to reducing our oil consumption? Given the history in this country, making it a racial issue is probably the best choice. The trick is to firmly connect the "camel-f***ing towelheads" with gasoline in the minds of the average redneck. I don't understand how can they continue to waste gas as if there was an unlimited supply of oil, even as they constitute the part of the population most likely to die in Iraq or elsewhere? I don't understand how can they exhibit so much racial hostility towards Arabs (among others) while sending so much money their way? And have people forgotten that bin-Laden is from Saudi Arabia, and thus benefits more or less directly from our oil-consumption? Screw the sand-n*****s: buy a Prius!

I don't want to give anyone the wrong impression: Don't take any of my racial epithets seriously. I think you have a moral obligation to both love our neighbors and to take care of the earth, and that kind of xenophobia is a big part of the problem. But this seems to be the language of the people who listen to John Boy and Billy, and we need to get them on board if we're going to do anything. (I keep forgetting about NASCAR, though: maybe we need to bring back gladitorial combat.)
And of course, you're reading a tax-raising, latte-drinking, sushi-eating, Volvo-driving, New York Times-reading, body-piercing, Hollywood-loving, left-wing freak show of a blog. What do I know?

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