
Busy Wednesday

Today is yet another busy day, although at this point it looks as though I'll get everything done.

Well, probably.

In any case, since I might not get to post again until next week, I thought I'd leave you with a bunch of cartoons.

And I'd apologize to Drew... but I don't really feel like it.

And I guess I could mention that I've recently learned a Chinese phrase, hsuan pin to chu, which became the name of the cartoon which it describes. Who knew I'd learn anything while reading theology?


Anonymous said...

A little help for the Chinese-impaired?

Mr. Miro said...

According to C.S. Song, hsuan pin to chu refers to "a talkative guest usurping the place of the host." (Jesus, the Crucified People page 102)

Anonymous said...

Thanks... I guess maybe I should have bought the book.

Mr. Miro said...

That's debatable. I struggled through the introduction and first chapter, wondering if the author ever became fluent in English; my guess was, no. Chapters 6 and 10 seemed chatty by comparison, too involved in telling stories to actually feel like "theology." Which helped me to finish reading the book before class-unlike, say, Anselm, who is NEVER chatty--but it was a letdown. The middle few chapteres--2 through 5--I thought were really good, but that's primarily because Song addressed, in a pretty direct fashion, the problems that I've been struggling with. Those problems circle around keeping a specifically Christian identity even as I embrace a universalist identity--here, in the sense of recognizing truth in most of the world's religions. If that's not your issue, then it's probably just an expensive way to fill otherwise-useful shelf-space.