
"Naive aprioristic autoanthropology"

I've been to Powells and got my fix: who knew a visit to Portland would would make me think of Matt?
Some select quotes from Daniel C. Dennett:
"The individual cells that compose you are alive, but we now understand life well enough to appreciate that each cell is a mindless mechanism, a largely autonomous microrobot, no more conscious than a yeast cell...
We are each made of mindless robots and nothing else, no non-physical, non-robotic ingredients at all."

But it's not just about robots: "Must we talk about zombies? Apparently we must."

And an unexpected treat from Selmer Bringsjord: "It all comes down to zombies."
Doesn't it, though?


Anonymous said...

I don't know about zombies, but I'm having a Bridget Jones moment. You know.

Mr. Miro said...

Bridget Jones and the Zombie Robots might be interesting; but I'm not sure which feature of her anatomy they might focus on for a third movie. Perhaps, in keeping with the theme, her brain.