
Speaking in a Parable

A Jesus Christ was possible only in a Jewish landscape--I mean one over which the gloomy and sublime thunder clouds of the wrathful Jehovah hovered continually. Here alone was the rare and sudden piercing of a single sunbeam through the gruesome general and perpetual day-night experienced as a miracle of 'love', as the ray of the most undeserved 'grace'. Only here could Christ dream of his rainbow and his heavenly ladder on which God descended to man; everywhere else good weather and sunshine were too much of a rule and everyday occurence.

-Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science (trans. Josefine Nauckoff)

Sunshine, perhaps; but I doubt that Nietzsche had an Indiana winter in mind when he wrote this.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I think I like Nietzsche's poetry better.