
Home again, home again, jiggity jig

I'd mentioned going home again, but that was some time ago... it almost goes without saying that I haven't actually read anything by Thomas Wolfe (as opposed to Tom Wolfe), but I've got Look Homeward, Angel on my reading list.

I think there's a more interesting questions than, "What's in your wallet?" [who cares what's in your wallet except someone trying to sell you something (and they're hoping for some form of payment). I mostly have tiny bits of useless paper in my wallet. That's not intended as a critique of our current monetary system--things I haven't yet thrown out.]
So: What's on your reading list? This says a lot about a person, the things to which they aspire but may never quite attain... doesn't everyone's reading list grow at an exponetial rate, much faster than anyone could ever keep up? [I can imagine that some people's doesn't, but if they're reading this they're here by mistake. As we say, "keep coming back!"]


Julie said...

Oh my gracious. Here's a few:

Deeply Into the Bone
-Ronald Grimes

The Hero with a Thousand Faces
-Joseph Campbell

Secrets in the Dark: A Life in Sermons
-Frederick Buechner

Doxology: The Praise of God in Worship, Doctrine and Life
-Geoffrey Wainwright

Mr. Miro said...

I've added Bernard Lonergan to my reading list, but I've also been reminded that Adorno's _The Jargon of Authenticity_ is also there... I'm sure there's something more fun than _Minima Moralia_ that's sitting on my desk or shelf, waiting to be read, but I can't think of anything at the moment.

Julie said...

I have _Method in Theology_ by Lonergan, if you're looking for that one.

Julie said...

And I made a different 'books I want' list, in an attempt to sound less like an excessively nerdy sociologist at seminary. I keep track of books I want to read by writing their titles on scraps of paper and burying them on my desk, so it was good to organize it a bit.