
Spring is just around the corner

Sorry about the bizarre-ness of the picture of the cartoon - it seemed like a good picture on my cell phone, and it's clearly not. (Just to be clear, it was drawn on canary yellow paper, so that's not part of the problem I'm thinking about). But when was the last time you got a cartoon?

It seems that the sun only shines when I'm away from my apartment, or don't have the time to take any good photos. It's been cold and gloomy lately, and not just in my head - but spring is around the corner I think. I still haven't been drawing too many cartoons lately - this is an old one, from when I was still at Lowe's (in case you hadn't already guessed). This still seems relevant, since conversations at the hospital don't always go much better than this, sometimes, but we're typically not talking about paint.

Today I need to be working on a sermon. I have a topic, but am having problems trying to frame it properly. And I should be able to focus today, since I'm basically done with my painting (although of course as I finish one, the next painting pops into my head). I'll try to post some kind of picture of this new painting ("I have no words") sometime this coming week, although you'll probably have to wait until August for a really good picture of it.

I have other cartoons, of course, and a lot of screen prints that I could post as well, but as I said, I need some decent light, and that's probably not going to happen today.
Now, back to work!

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