
Your heart's desire...

Ethics is a funny sub-discipline... on some level, everyone agrees on the basic principles, something along the lines of "don't harm others." But the way that gets applied is another matter. In my darker hours I tend towards emotivism: it seems to be the best theory in terms of describing not only my own reactions towards things, but also in characterizing the reactions of others.
For instance: an old quote from Pat Robertson was brought to mind yesterday, that feminism is a "socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." Not only is this not empirically supportable, it also isn't Biblical. It seems easiest to say that this is Robertson's emotional reaction to feminism, and further, that it expresses nothing but his own emotional reaction.
My fear is that all moral judgments are essentially the same.

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